Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Holy Christ. I almost just had a heart attack.

I've been drinking a little and I totally don't even remember why that heart attack occurred.

I think it has to do with the fact I deleted all the cookies and history and whatnot from my computer in a (failed) attempt to see the stupid ass CD reviews I couldn't view on the website. Then I went to the website to update this motherfucker and I couldn't remember the password and username.

I think that's what the heart attack was, because I can't think of anything else it could be.

Anyway, I'm listening to Nation of Ulysses's 13 Point Program to Destroy America. I've (somehow) never heard it. In fact, I really can't believe how much better Plays Pretty for Baby is. Concurrently, I'm downloading albums by Sun Ra, Stereolab, The Gossip, From Monument to Masses, Busdriver and Olyneyville Sound System.

I turned off Nation of Ulysses and now am listening to the Flaming Lips' beauteous Clouds Taste Metallic.

It's true. They taste metallic.

Tomorrow I'll be journeying on up to Los Angeles to check out The Mae Shi, Silver Daggers and Abe Vigoda, popping my cherry on all accounts. I don't feel like getting stuck in ghettolishous traffic, so I'm going to head up around one or two, to *hopefully* miss some of the traffic I'd otherwise hit.

I know I'll get stuck somewhere at some point, but whatever. I'm aiming to hit up Amoeba for a while. I probably won't buy anything since I'm po. But it's always nice to hit up a record store that rules. And, hell, last time I was there i ran into Chuck from The Plot to Blow up the Eiffel Tower and saw Sam Ott (ex-Year Future) and Questlove from the Roots.

Since I'm in a relatively volatile mood, I figured I'd take the time to make fun of people who do things like this: http://community.livejournal.com/alternateicons2/4481.html#cutid1/. Ok. You do realize that YOU ARE NOT A TEENAGE CHICK IN THE 1980s READING TIGERBEAT HOPING TO CATCH THE LATEST GOSSIP ABOUT CHAD ALLEN (who, incidentally is gay) AND KIRK CAMERON (who, incidentally is a born again lunatic), correct?

Good lord. Our culture of celebrity is well beyond hope when musicians from a formerly underground punk band can become cultural icons as well as buddy icons. Fandom is out of control, and I don't really know what to do about it. I appreciate art, and own more than one Ween shirt, but seriously, this kind of gushing is not necessary. What complicates things is that the Mars Volta freak is actually a goddamned teenager from the UK.

I've very recently decided that my entire existence is justified through art appreciation. That is to say that this life is relatively meaningless once you get past personal relationships (which are finite). Art is something that lasts past you that's not an office job for some dumb company working 60 hours a week so you can have a ton of money to leave behind you and not ever use or enjoy.

It's a simplistic/obvious/duh philosophy, I know, but that's that's what my brain's thinking about. At least it was. Now it's thinking about the Flaming Lips. I like them.

I've got to find some way to connote the pictures I've taken and the ones I haven't. I also need a new camera. I took both of those.


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