Friday, April 07, 2006

A fag amongst gays

Was watching the Match Game tonight and still can't believe just how inherently hilarious Charles Nelson Reilly is. He reached that state only a few men have ever attained: That John Cleese and Fred Willard level of comedy where no matter what they're doing, they're funny. Just looking at them makes you say "Fred Willard" or "John Cleese" as you start chuckling.
I think Rainn Wilson (a.k.a. Dwight Schrute) will be the next person enshrined in the "Inherent Hilarity Hall of Fame."

I'm starting to get into Big Love, HBO's new show about Polygamy. Mostly the show got my attention because David Lynch vets Grace Zabriskie and Harry Dean Stanton signed on to do the show...along with that funny bug-eyed chick from Mean Girls and Tina Majorino (the artist formerly known as "Deb"). We'll see. Chloe Sevigny is pretty irritating in it, but the other two wives, Jeanne Tripplehorn and Ginnifer Goodwin (Walk The Line) are really good. I hate Bill Paxton, but he's surprisingly not in the show that much--if he starts getting featured more, I think my interest will wane.

I won't be updating for a while since I'll be in New York City for a week. I'm not going to touch a computer while I'm there. This excites me.

Here are the CDs I'll be bringing along:

Animal Collective: Feels
Devendra Banhart: Cripple Crow and Nino Rojo
The Fall: 50,000 Fall Fans Can't be Wrong
Blur: Blur
The Mars Volta: De-loused in the Comatorium
Fiery Furnaces: Blueberry Boat
Queens of the Stone Age: Songs for the Deaf
Flaming Lips: The Soft Bulletin
Fugazi: The Argument
Subtitle: Young Dangerous Heart
TV on the Radio: Desperate Youth, Bloodthirsty Babes
Arcade Fire: Funeral
Yeah Yeah Yeahs: Show Your Bones
Islands: Return to the Sea
Mason Proper: There is a Moth in Your Chest
Les Savy Fav: Inches
The Mae-Shi/Rapider than Horsepower: Don't Ignore the Potential
Arab on Radar: Queen Hygiene II/Rough Day at the Orifice
At the Drive-in: This Station is Non-Operational
And You Will Know us By the Trail of Dead: Source Tags and Codes
A Whisper in the Noise: As the Bluebird Sings
Liars: Drums Not Dead.

That's probably too many CDs for just two plane rides, but I never know what I'm going to be in the mood for. I also went pretty "2004" hipster, but I don't care. I'd rather listen to mellow shit on a plane ride because aggressive stuff makes me nervous when i'm listening to it through headphones. The Mae-Shi split may get bumped for Tool's Aenima or The Birthday Party's greatest hits. We'll see.

My mom's coming out to visit me in June. This is exciting news.


Blogger NickDean said...

You said:
"Here are the CDs I'll be bringing along:"
...and then listed a bunch of CDs.

If you had an iPod, you could hold those and more. Dork. I've got 70 CDs on my iPod and it's only filled like 2.5 of my 30 GB. blah blah blah. ADD iPod to my list of things i'd do a commercial for.

11:53 AM  
Blogger NickDean said...

Eagerly awaiting that 'post-trip' post.

1:52 PM  

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