Wednesday, April 05, 2006

quick update

Interviewing Kyle from Witch and Feathers tomorrow (well, actually THIS) morning. I'm doing Feathers for Aural Minority and Witch for Modern Fix.

Speaking of Modern Fix, I had three articles in the new one: Year Future, Shoplifting and Rahim. They all turned out really well, except it looks like I dropped a word in a sentence in the Year Future piece.

What can you do?

I got SEVEN promos today and they were all absolutely horrible--easily the worst promo day in the history of Aural Minority, and you can imagine we've had some bad ones. Overall we've hit a promo doldrum, though this one band Cougars reminds me of the Murder City Devils/Smoke and Smoke, and that's never a bad thing.

Downloaded the new Yeah Yeah Yeahs (i like the second half of the album, but not the first half) and the new Secret Machines (a snoozer).

I interviewed Camilla from Sunset Rubdown (and formerly of Pony Up!) the other day, as well as J'aime from Islands. If I could just interview people from Canada I think I would. They're just so fucking nice.

I'm going to see Cold War Kids tomorrow for the first time. They're kinda Buckley-ish and I want to see how they pull it off live.

The new Fiery Furnaces is coming out and they were working with a friendly publicity firm and now they're working with somebody who I don't think likes me because I shot them a very curt email after they assured me I'd be listed for a Kills show in San Diego that was sold out, but I wasn't. I may have to bite the bullet and actually purchase it. although I do have Eleanor's cell phone number....

Just kidding. Wouldn't do that.


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