Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Nick Dean is a son of a bitch

As requested:

The Premise:
List 5 things that certain people (who are not deserving of being your friend anyway) may consider to be "totally lame," but you are, despite the possible stigma, totally proud of. Own it. Tag 5 others.

The List (in order of how I thought of them):

1.) Going to the movies by myself:
When Jen's out of town or I want to go see the next installment of, say, Underworld, The Devil's Rejects, or 30 Days of Night and my buddy Sergio isn't around, I have no qualms with heading to the theater on my own. I don't get a snack. I don't get a drink. I don't sit near anyone. I just sit back and relax. It's really a glorious thing. For some reason, I also do this in the middle of the afternoon.

2.) Watching Iron Chef America: When I lived in Fredonia the summer after my sophomore year with Doghed and Ayaku, the latter constantly watched the Japanese version of Iron Chef, specifically when I wanted to watch sports or, well, anything else. It drove me up a fucking wall. And yet, when I stumbled upon the American version, I freaked out. I actually cheer for Mario Batali, call Bobby Flay a smug fuck, root against Cat Cora, and scratch my head at the strange creations by Morimoto. Excellent reality show.

3.) NHL Hockey: Most indie kids tend to be completely anti-sports because, in their eyes, sports are a manifestation of corporate greed, macho culture and gladiator-esque violence. Yet I can't get enough hockey. There's something so gracefully beautiful about watching the game unfold. People always say that hockey's difficult to watch because great plays happen so rarely, but as an avid hockey fan, it's the anticipation of those plays that keep me interested. I love watching how a goal happens from one end to another, how a player lines up another for a hit and feeling tensions rise to the point of a fight. Other sports seem too scripted.

4.) Christmas: Who cares if the holiday was invented in order to give the "new world" of Germans, Brits and everyone else some sort of identity, or whether or not it has become, like hockey, a symbol of corporate greed. Snow. Christmas trees. Ornaments. Tinsel. Cookies. Bailey's. Trains. Family. Gifts. Holiday-centric foods. Wreaths. Santa. Elves. Snowmen. My favorite time of the year.

5.) My uncanny knack for finding the WORST movie on TV at any given time and watching it for at least 15 minutes: I think this started the one night I worked Night Desk at Chautauqua Hall and Neil the Tie Guy and Kevin Sciretta came over and we watched Night of The Lepus in its entirety. Bones from Star Trek was in it. I can't even describe it further. Just watch it. Since then, a small smattering of amazing films I've seen parts of: BloodRayne, Vlad, Survival Island (A fantastic Billy Zane trilogy), Red Planet, 2001 Maniacs, National Lampoon's Dorm Daze 1 & 2, Blind Beast (the Japanese classic), Night at the Golden Eagle, Bound By Lies (Kristy Swanson and Stephen Baldwin), Alone in the Dark (Christian Slater), Ginger Snaps Back: The Beginning, Whore, Conan The Destroyer, Poison Ivy III, Wild Things II, etc.

Hopefully I'll update this bitch more often. Problem is, right now school is my life, and I can't really write about my psycho students because of confidentiality issues....

oh well.


Blogger NickDean said...

I am a bastard, aren't I...

And you also rent shitty movies. Remember "The Brotherhood" or whatever the name of the subtly-gay vampire flick was.

9:57 AM  
Blogger Jeremiah said...

there was nothing subtle about how gay that movie was.

10:59 PM  

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