Friday, December 14, 2007

So this is the new year

I'm not a "New Year's Resolution" kind of guy at all. In fact, I've never, ever done it. However, I think I've made a couple of decisions about how I want the next year to go. Call them resolutions if you must.

1.) I need to get in better shape. I've already started working out in preparation for this, and feel great.
2.) I need to read more. Again, I've already started this "resolution" by reading Slaughtermatic, The Road (Cormac McCarthy--pictured) and starting Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides.
3.) I need to interview more bands. Since Geek only needs one or two music features per issue and only six CD reviews, and Rock A Rolla and Skyscraper have such specific scope, a lot of bands I'm loving are falling by the wayside since I'm having trouble landing features elsewhere. Therefore, I'm going to try to update Spanning Time with a new interview every two weeks. In addition, I'm going to start publicizing the blog around the interweb more.

I don't have that much free time, so we'll see if any of this actually happens. I'm trying to wean myself off of TV, and these adaptations plus the writer's strike should help matters.


Blogger NickDean said...

Jeffrey Eugenides needs to come out with a new book. And SOON. Lori and I plowed through "Middlesex" a couple of Christmases ago. Good. Involved. Felt a lot like Rushdie's "Midnight's Children."

2:05 PM  

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